Following the success of the Power Electronics Workshop organized over the past 14 years in partnership with GREMAN (UMR 7347) and Polytech-Tours, sponsored by ST-Microelectronics, CERTeM and Polytech Tours, IMAPS-France proudly announces the 15th edition of the Power Electronics and Packaging Technical Workshop to be held in Tours, France on Thursday, November 28th, 2024. The city of Tours is located along the scenic Loire Valley which is famous for its castles built along the river. The event will be held in English. Please, save the date!!
We invite speakers to submit abstracts relating to the following topics:
Presentations duration will be 25 minutes, including 5 minutes for questions and answers. The abstract
submission deadline is August 31st. Please submit abstracts in English (Conference official language)
and word format, including the names of the company or institution, the speaker and associated author(s), the title of the conference and an abstract of 250-600 words. Paper acceptance will be communicated on of before September 20th.