We are pleased to open the call for papers of the 18th Advanced Technology Workshop on Micropackaging and Thermal Management that will be held in La Rochelle on March 26 and 27, 2025. This yearly conference has grown year after year by the number of presented papers and attendees. Be part of a successful 2025 edition and be sure to submit your abstract on time. The workshop sessions will include the following topics. Papers are invited in following areas:
• Cooling solutions for microelectronics packaging,
• Heat conductive materials at chip, board, sub-system and system levels,
• Advances in PCBs for thermal management, PCB embedded components included,
• Heatsinks, heat pipes and change phase materials,
• Liquid and phase change cooling,
• Thermal modeling and simulation, Machine Learning and AI optimization,
• Innovative cooling solutions,
• Thermal management of optoelectronics components (LEDs, IR sensors…),
• Overviews or examples of products, systems cooling, power electronics, automotive transport,
• Temperature-related or thermal cycles-related reliability of electronic components.
The deadline for submission is extended to January 17th, 2025. Speakers have to submit 200-300 words abstract detailing their presentation (20 minutes + 5 minutes for questions). After notification of acceptance, you commit to attend the workshop or delegate someone else.
Speakers pay a reduced registration fee (including MERCURE hotel accommodation for 2 nights and meals) and are also requested to attend the entire workshop to maximize opportunities of exchanging with other attendees and exhibitors.