The 15th Advanced Technology Workshop on Micropackaging and Thermal Management will be held in La Rochelle from 5 to 6 February, 2020. The Workshop will present improvements in thermal management materials, components and systems and provide innovative packaging and cooling solutions for highly integrated power, RF, microwave and other devices and sub-systems. The workshop sessions will include the following topics:
- Cooling solutions for microelectronics packaging
- Micro-cooling solutions
- Heat conductive materials at chip, board, sub-system and system levels
- Advances in PCBs for thermal management
- Thermal modeling and simulation
- Heatsinks, heatpipes and other cooling products
- Liquid and phase change cooling
- New cooling solutions
- Overviews or examples of products, systems cooling, power electronics, automotive transport etc.
- Thermal management of optoelectronics components (LEDs, IR sensors etc.)
- Reliability of electronic components over extended temperature range and under temperature variation
- Thermal management aspects of 3D integration: thermal interface materials, dissipation from PCB embedded components and hot spots, and special techniques (e.g. micro-channels)
Papers can be submitted on the topics mentioned above. Please submit a 200-300 words abstract detailing your presentation (20 minutes + 5 minutes for questions), no later than 11 October 2019.